Collaboration with Families to Support Children's Bilingualism and Biliteracy
Audience(s): Early education site and district administrators, coaches and teachers on special assignment.
Date(s): January 15, 2025
Time(s): 3:30 - 5:00 PM
Cost(s): No Fee. This professional learning opportunity is funded by the Early Education Teacher Development Grant.
Course Description: This session will center on partnering with families to address important topics for a long term and successful practice of using their home language.
Topics will include:
- Benefits of bilingualism
The importance of using rich language exchanges
Expanding children's responses
School experience
Facilitator(s): Karen Good, RoseMary Hyder, Nancy Sherod
Contact(s): Lissette Koyoc-Sansores, Program Technician | | (909) 386-2632